Buy Aquanatal Class

The home of outdoor adventure in North Wales

Aquanatal Class

Book Your Tickets

Quantity (1 to 25)

Price from £4.30

Key Information


60 minute

Running Times


Awarded Certificates

Minimum standard


Minimum Age


The return of Aquanatal fitness sessions, run by widwife Jen.

Grab your swimming togs and enjoy taking to the water with midwife Jen for her hour long AQUANATAL CLASS. There is a limit of 25 spaces per class and so to avoid disappointment and unnecessary trips, we are asking everyone who wants to attend to BOOK & PAY in advance rather than just turning up. Classes are priced at £3.90 and can be paid for weekly, depending on the space available. 

What's included;

There will be a maximum of 20 spaces available for each 60-minute session.  These are coached sessions and the pool will be lifeguarded. 


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