Join us over the October half term for FUN FILLED YOUTH ACTIVITY DAYS. Feel free to come along in your favourite Halloween outfit, face paints optional! We will be focusing on fun and applying a DIGITAL DISCONNECT before the nights draw in. Get active, get outdoors, make friends and enjoy all that we have to offer this autumn at Plas Menai.
Here's what we have running -
Monday - Sail and CLimb
Tuesday - Windsurf and low ropes
Wednesday - SUP and pool
Thursday - Windsurf and denbuild/bushcraft
Friday - Sailing and Bikes
Please arrange to come to reception for 8.45am to meet with your instructor. Collection will be from reception at 4.15pm. Please ensure that your parent / guardian signs you in at reception on arrival and comes to collect you from the reception area at the end of the day and signs you out.
Please bring with you :
Swimming togs
Footwear for on the water (This can be an old pair of trainers that you don't mind getting wet)
50p for the use of lockers. Packed Lunch
All other kit and equipment will be provided relevant to the activity on the day.