Buy VHF Marine Radio - 1 day

The home of outdoor adventure in North Wales

VHF Marine Radio - 1 day

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Price from £144.95

Key Information


1 day

Running Times

09.15 - 20.00

Awarded Certificates

VHF Marine Radio

Minimum standard


Minimum Age

16 yrs

A VHF radio is an important piece of safety equipment on board a boat and it is vital to understand the correct operating procedures. This course incorporates both the SRC course and the examination which must be completed in order to award the radio certificate.
This certificate is the minimum qualification required by law to control the operation of VHF and VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) equipment on any British flagged vessel voluntarily fitted with a radio. This includes both fixed and hand held equipment.

The course will be taught using radio simulators and the exam will include a short written test and a practical examination. Please note, to give sufficient time for delivery of the course and for practice, the examination will take place between 5 and 8 pm.
If you have taken the course elsewhere or completed it online and only need to undertake the direct exam, please call us on 0300 300 3112  and we may be able to arrange for you to attend the evening examination only or find an alternative date.


Key learning points:

Basics of radio operation, frequencies, distress, urgency and medical assistance procedures, making ship to shore telephone calls, Digital Selective Calling, Global Maritime Distress Safety System.

SRC Pack:

On booking this course you will be sent (by post) the VHF handbook (G13).
Please ensure you are familiar with the following sections of the handbook prior to attending the course.
  • Knowledge of radio frequencies (chapter 2 – ‘How a Radio Works’)
  • Knowledge of appropriate channel names (chapter 5 ‘VHF Channels’)
  • Awareness of the existence and use of IMO standard vocabulary and alphabet (chapter 6). You will need to remember the meanings of the listed prowords and be able to recite the phonetic alphabet
  • Distress Message (Read page 45 and learn the sequence)
Before your course:
  • Exam fee of £76 payable to the RYA
To pay the exam fee the RYA website and set up a free account (if you are not already an RYA member….)

RYA Exam Payments Service for Marine Radio Short Range Certificate exam
Once you have purchased your exam you will receive an email confirmation and, in a separate message, your exam application form. 
Please bring with you:
  • Passport photo
  • VHF handbook (G13)
  • RYA email confirmation
  • Exam application form
Please ensure you bring your VHF handbook (G13), Passport Photo and the exam application form with you. Should you fail to bring these with you you will not be able to join the course.
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